For 35 years, Rho Mu Omega has been a beacon of light to the Washington, D.C. community and I am proud to serve as its 12th President. With a focus on sisterhood, service, and scholarship, we are Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood.
Established in 1988 by 76 trailblazing women, Rho Mu Omega is a chapter committed to serving where we live, work, and play. As we SOAR, Rho Mu Omega is a chapter that will continue to LEARN from our legacy, GROW in sisterhood, and LEAD through service as we strengthen our community and foster partnerships that promote “Service to All Mankind”.
I invite you to join us and visit our site often for upcoming events and programs as we Learn, Grow, Lead, and Soar throughout Washington, D.C.
Arnitra Duckett, President
Rho Mu Omega Chapter
About Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® is dedicated to enhancing the social, economic, and educational well-being of local, national, and international communities. Founded on the campus of Howard University in 1908, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is the oldest Greek letter organization founded by African American women. With a mission to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, promote unity and friendship among college women, study and help alleviate problems concerning girls and women in order to improve their social stature, maintain a progressive interest in college life, and to be of “Service to All Mankind”, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority has a rich history of service, leadership, and sisterhood.
To learn more about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority please visit our Corporate Website.

Danette Anthony Reed
International President and CEO
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®️
Notable North Atlantic Region
Established in 1926 at the International Conference in Columbus, OH, the Notable North Atlantic Region is home to 155 chapters and more than 16,000 members spanning from Maine to Washington, D.C.
It is the birthplace of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and home region to Rho Mu Omega chapter.
To learn more about the Notable North Atlantic Region, please visit our Regional Website.

Elicia Pegues Spearman, Esq.
North Atlantic Regional Director
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®️
About Our Chapter | PMQ

Thirty-five years ago and exactly 80 years after the founding of our great sorority, 76 women chartered Rho Mu Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority on October 30, 1988.
Rho Mu Omega has instituted service projects and signature programs, including HBCU College Tours, Blessing Bags, Breast Cancer races “For the Cure”, Backpack distributions, scholarship awards, reading and tutoring partnerships with local schools, MLK Days of Service, health fairs, mental health awareness activities, blood pressure screenings, financial wellness seminars, Alzheimer’s Awareness Days, heart health promotions and donations to local food pantries.
As the chapter has evolved, Rho Mu Omega continues to deliver exemplary service to the community, promote true sisterly relationships. Its membership from a small but mighty chapter to a large, powerful chapter of over 300 members in 2018. From the very beginning, Rho Mu Omega has distinguished herself as committed to implementing best practices in effective chapter management, strategic planning, and improved methods of evaluation.
35 years of service has meant polishing our pearls and taking seriously our oaths to create paths to meeting the needs of our community while spreading sisterly love in all our endeavors. Rho Mu Omega honors our founders, cherishes our leaders, and attends to our targeted audiences.
Just as Ivy strengthens and grows, Rho Mu Omega continues to work diligently as she strives to be of SERVICE TO ALL MANKIND.
Thirty-Five Years of Soaring Through Service and Sisterhood
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® is not responsible for the design nor content of these web pages. They are the sole property and responsibility of the Rho Mu Omega Chapter who hosts and maintains this website.
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